The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49729 Message #752108
Posted By: GUEST,Lionel
21-Jul-02 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Martin Guitars again!
Subject: RE: BS: Martin Guitars again!
Martins cost a great deal of money. Is it unreasonable to expect that these instruments shouldn't have to have a separate set-up which the purchaser has to pay for in addition to the cost of the instrument itself? What you want from an instrument - especially at the price of a Martin - is something that you can pick up and play, not something you have to tinker around with fixing this and that. Or have I got it wrong? Over-priced and over-rated. Lets face it, Martin churn these things out in their 100 thousands. And who is going to wait for years for one sound "really good", you wannna be playing it NOW. Guitar making and buyers expecations have moved on. Get on the ball Martin ! We want better instruments and lower prices! And why in hell can't the end-pin be supplied fixed in place? And another thing...