sorefingers might like to have a look at This page , where other owners of Martin DM's wax similarly enthusiastic.I am afraid I cannot join in on all the acclamation. I bought a Martin DM four or five years ago. At the time I bought it, it sounded loud and bright, but the problem for me is that it has failed to mature over the years, which is obviously due to the laminate back and sides. Having owned a Martin D28-S many years ago I know what a mature Martin should sound like.
I don't think people realize that the DM series is not a "real" Martin, whatever the logo on the headstock says. Look at the label, it says "Made in USA", doesn't say "Made in Nazareth PA".
Still, at the price I paid for it in the Guitar Center($500.00 if I remember correctly right) I can't really complain. I just wish I had waited and saved until I could have afforded a real Martin .....