paul0, Ref: Parlor players - Newer players tend to want lower (faster) actions to reduce the strain on their fingers, especially if they have come from electric guitars, which can "turn up" their sound. Very few jams have amps; there are a few, mostly bluegrass or blues. Thus, the volume from your instrument, after you get past the size and shape of the box (D, J, 000, 00, jumbo etc)and the charateristics of the wood and design, is the attack on the strings and their set height off the nut/frets as well as their gauge and wrap. That which sounds exquisite in the parlor or with appropriate sound reinforcement, will suck at speed and volume in a jam. Hence the comment...And I believe that Tim is correct about choice of strings; I violate every Martin rule by sticking a D'Addario 63 gauge bass, and a GHS 50 as an A on my K2, with the rest being medium Martin SP's. My action is high, and strings heavy, but it keeps the children from attempting to play with it...
And Be-dubya-el, the reason that they pick the Martins last, is that is the brand they won with... and they need something for the kids to play with... ;}