The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10680   Message #75403
Posted By: Tucker
03-May-99 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Flowers and yard decor
Subject: Favorite Flowers and yard decor
Ok, I'm not Martha Stewart but I find myself going back to old favorites in my garden year after year. Old English Roses (imagine that my Scottish and Irish friends) are some of my favorites but they are permanent. What I always find myself planting is petunias, Glads, alyssium, nicotiana, peppers (for decoration) and elephant ears. This year I finally have a beutiful selection of Columbine (Ironic, after the massacre eh?). Just curious what ya'll put out this year. This thread will probably sink like a rock but I'd like to know. Ditto, what special quirks do you do to your gardens? I went and bought some of the little concrete thingys the other day. Well, the concrete color sucks and painted figures are even worse. Since my garden is natural southern ohio sandstone I thought I would try to make the little elves look like natural S.O. rock. I found some old cherry stain that I use in woodworking, watered it down with paint thinner and brush the stuff on my figureines. Guess what? The little darlin's look like my sandstone! they sucked it up like a sponge so I'm guessin' it's permanent, Anyway this will probably be the shortest lived thread ever on this Mudcat trotline. LOL Mudcatters.