The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49789   Message #754149
Posted By: Coyote Breath
24-Jul-02 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Steve Earle takin' heat for new song
Subject: RE: BS: Steve Earle takin' heat for new song
Yay bobert! you are absolutely right about the job of artists.

and very much yay! to Steve Earle who ALWAYS pushes the envelope.

And a "dink" isn't anything at all about "Dink's Song" or anything racist...sheesh! it's an upper-mid-Westism and doesn't mean a--hole but sorta means, "dummy" but not in a mean way. Like "don't act like a dink ferchrissakes".

Also it was what we at Shorewood High School called the silly caps (like public school boys wear across the pond only red in color) which we freshmen were required to wear during our first year.

Hey Kim C have you ever done the line dance to Copperhead Road? it's a doozy and will leave you breathless!