The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49728   Message #754669
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jul-02 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Solipsism
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Solipsism
Big John - Are you serious? Well, in case you are:

troll - computerese for a person who deliberately "trolls" for responses on a forum, chat line, etc., as a fisherman trolls for fish. That is, he puts out some an irritating thread title or a comment guaranteed to piss off certain people...etc...

When those people predictably respond, he is gratified, and tosses them some more bait, keeping the process rolling along. The more distress he causes, the happier he feels.

You can also troll for humorous purposes. I regard this as okay, and I often do it myself.

Generally speaking, to troll with deliberate malicious intent is what people are referring to when they complain about trolls.

A "flamer" is someone who verbally attacks someone else on the Net or by what could be termed a malicious or intemperate fashion.

Some flamers are very persistent.

My own feeling is that trolls and flamers are best dealt with by:

1. ignoring them

2. or refusing to get mad

3. and being humorous instead

4. and if they say something bad about you, agree enthusiastically, and say several even worse things about yourself. This is particularly disarming to the average flamer...he is not seeking agreement!

For instance, my response to ADC might be...

"Why, we shouldn't just stop at closing down Mudcat! We should close down any and ALL Internet sites that bother you or which you find less than perfect. If you could make up a complete list of them and forward it, this would help immensely. Get right on it!"

- LH