The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49852   Message #754691
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jul-02 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: The worst album cover ever
Subject: RE: The worst album cover ever
Goddamit! I just typed out a lengthy response to this thread, and hit some damned key down by the "space"bar (doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo) and...the whole page vanished off the screen!!!!!!!! It is gone forever!

AAAAARRRRGHHHH! This happens occasionally, and I STILL do not know which key it is that makes it happen! Blast!

Anyway, that is one incredibly rare album, Jack, and I agree that it has a pretty awful cover, but I don't think it's the worst EVER. Face it, there's some stiff competition out there. Think about heavy metal groups, rockers, alternative bands, rappers, and tacky Christian singers, not to mention country music and Culture Club! Did Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker make some albums? If so, I bet they'd be serious contenders.

(BTW, you were wise not to put the great Shatner's name in the thread title...well done.)

For worst album cover ever...well...

How about the painting Dylan did on the front of "Self-Portrait"...

And you know I love Bob, but that was just plain awful.

I also think the cover of "Let It Bleed" is really, really bad.

- LH