The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49866 Message #754938
Posted By: Pied Piper
26-Jul-02 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Help: Susato D Whistle
Subject: RE: Help: Susato D Whistle
Hi Jiggers. I have a tuneable Susato in high C and it has a good tone. But I have had to adjust its intonation a bit. On mine the D was sharp. Also I think they are designed to use the simpler Bb fingering o++ooo rather than the o+++o+ I've got used to. Mine won't play high Bb easily either. My favourite C whistle was an Indian bamboo one with a great tone that I tuned up, but after a few years sterling service it cracked and after another couple of years with tape all over it, it gave up the ghost(I still have the remains which I look at whistfully ever now and again). All the best PP.