The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49679   Message #755427
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
27-Jul-02 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: Jazz, anyone?
Subject: RE: Jazz, anyone?
Hi, Genie: I seem to be running into you on several threads these days. And yes, Gargoyle, Genie IS a MUSICIAN.:-)

And Mister Gargoyle, Sir, one of the three B's has probably been swung and rocked more than any classical musician... Mr. Bach. Just as there is a strong connection between New Orleans jazz and blues, there is an equally strong relationship between Bach and alot of "Modern" jazz of the sixties. I have many recordings by small jazz groups of variations on tunes written by Mr. Bach, and there is a very similar feel in the playfulness of the improvisation. A good jazz musician can make music on a sheet of paper "swing," and I'm sure that Mr. Bach had his swinging moments. Even rock musicians have drawn on Bach... the Nice did a great swinging version of a Bach piece that segued into a Dylan song. What do you get when you take jazz to it's limits? I didn't realize it had any. :-)
