The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49697   Message #755461
Posted By: winniemih
27-Jul-02 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Dave Carter, 49, heart attack (1952-2002)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Dave Carter
All this week I've been listening to the 3 CDs I have by Dave & Tracy (I don't have Dave's earlier "Snake handlin' Man" CD), and am struck by his growth as a songwriter during these few years (1998 to 2001). I read somewhere that in the last year or two, Dave was starting to write songs specifically for Tracy to sing. The last CD issued,"Drum Hat Buddha", has at least half the tunes with Tracy doing lead. The last tune on that CD, "Gentle Soldier of My Soul", is Tracy singing about the departure of her beloved "through the veil" . It is so poignant in the face of Dave's recent death. I wonder if Dave had any idea when he gave her this particular song, if he had a premonition and gave her this gift to comfort her.