The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49852   Message #755490
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Jul-02 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: The worst album cover ever
Subject: RE: The worst album cover ever
LEJ - I just absolutely hated R. Crumb's "art" in general...but I have to admit that the cover on "Cheap Thrills" was among the classic covers of ALL time, and it was perfect for Janis & Big Brother...just the right vibe.

Normally speaking, I detested the way Crumb drew made me sick...but his style suited that album just fine, and the music was pretty memorable too.

There was an album by some very popular band with a picture of a very young naked red-haired girl holding a silver miniature airplane in her hands...I nominate it as among the 20 or so worst covers ever.

- LH