The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10455   Message #75559
Posted By: Penny
04-May-99 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Your 6th sense
Subject: RE: Your 6th sence
Katlaughing, I haven't answered your long posting yet, because I needed to download it and read it properly. Thank you for it. Most of it I have to take on trust, but there's a couple of points I would like to make.

Firstly, I'd be a little wary using the septenary spectrum as a support for the argument, since it is an artifact of the the very theory it is being used to support. People see the spectrum in many different ways: I've seen a medieval version of six colours (drat, lost the reference - must make notes, not think "I can find that again easily") and a number have trouble with indigo. Newton really had to work hard to fit the spectrum to the septenary system he wanted: at first he had five colours. There is actually a continuum of colour across the visible range. I spent part of yesterday afternoon tracking a spectrum across paper on my floor (I couldn't get it anywhere convenient!) and I could not make it fit Newton's diagrams. I don't think it weakens the overall argument, but it gives a point for opponents to pick on.

Secondly, the information about the tones in the perihelion - aphelion relationships suggests to me a connection with some of the other harmonics in the Solar System. There are emerging various resonances between pairs of planets, some of which seem very far distant, with only weak connections through gravity. Venus always shows the same face to us at conjunction, and its orbit and ours are in the ratio 8:5. Mercury, too, always shows the same face when it is the same position relative to the Sun: earlier astronomers thought that it was orbiting the Sun as the Moon orbits us, with the same face to the Sun all the time. Apparently, there is a resonance between Jupiter and Venus, as well. I've discussed this with an astronomer friend (from whom the information comes), and he feels that it is not so much that the planets' gravity has pulled others into such orbits, but that any proto-planets which were NOT in such relationships would have been propelled out of the system, or into other planets. If this is true, then the necessary properties for the formation of a life-bearing planet may be much more rigorous than previously thought, and such planets very rare indeed.