The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10652   Message #75692
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
05-May-99 - 12:23 AM
Thread Name: Songs and Tunes for Autoharp?
Subject: RE: Songs and Tunes for Autoharp?
Harpgirl, While I have to admit that this old coot yearns for you tragically, it wasn't you I was talking about. Sally is one of the original poodle owners whose chance meeting at the dog park got our group going. She gives some autoharp lessons and does repairs and is a very good player--who nonetheless forces us to limit our repertoire because of the limitations of her harps (and her abject refusal to learn any music theory, despite my gift to her of David Harp's book and tape on the subject) (David Harp--for any uninformed eavesdroppers--teaches folk, country, and blues harmonica [that kind of harp] as well as the use of the harmonica in zen meditation). (I tend to overuse parentheses, it seems.) (--seed)