The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49995   Message #756980
Posted By: Dharmabum
30-Jul-02 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Volunteer Peach Tree -- edible?
Subject: RE: BS: Volunteer Peach Tree -- edible?
This reminded me of something that I was involved in one summer as a kid.

In late July of 64 I was an 11 year old living in what was then considered a pretty rural area of New Jersey. Our nieghbor had an apple orchard with a few peach trees growing around the edges. Well,one day while playing baseball with my younger brother (9)& my neighbors son (12), we had managed to work up a pretty good sweat & decided that a fresh juicy peach off of his dads tree would be just what we needed.

After two or three peaches each,someone suggested it would be great fun to see how many peaches we could devour, "BUT",leave the pits hanging on the branches!

Well,being all of a whopping 11 years of age,& having common sense manage to succsessfully elude me up to that point of my life,we proceeded to climb,hang,stand on each others shoulders or what ever it took to strip those branches of a large portion of their fruit.
All the while being ever so careful to leave those pits intact & hanging from their original stems.

We spent the rest of that day trying to suppress our laughter over our little deed.
Especially,when our neighbor discovered it & was immediately on the phone to our local ag agent inquiring as to what kind of insect could possibly have ravaged one of his peach trees in such a manner.

Now,as I'd mentioned,we lived in a rural area,& my brother,neighbor & I were the only boys in the immediate neighborhood,so it wasn't very difficult to find the culprit of whatever current mischief was being perpetrated.
But all indications we're pointing to the fact that we may just get away with this one. Barring the fact,of course,that one of us,although sworn to secrecy,may spill the beans.
There was however one equation that our adolescent minds had not factored in to our evil plan. And that very simply was that we were all doomed to get a bad case of the "Shits" at about the same time that very night.

Justice was more ways than one.
