The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439   Message #75741
Posted By: Sophie
05-May-99 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II

I'm Sophie and live in mad town Brighton, East-Sussex, England. I'm originally from Holland and came here to study three years ago. Will probably stay. On the face of the town is full of yuppy-hippies, ravers and other trendy, but there are some right good old sessions if you know where to find them. You'd occasionally find me in them desperately trying to keep up with the fiddlers and others on my harp or playing everyone to sleep with slow airs. And the crazy and unpredictable as the rest of the place. Sophie