The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50037   Message #757550
Posted By: MMario
31-Jul-02 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Origins: C-H-I-C-K-E-N
Subject: Tune Add: C-H-I-C-K-E-N
N:from a midi sent by Lin in Kansas
z6A A|d d3d2d2|d2A2-A2AA|B2B2B3B|B4z2B2|
c3c c c3|c A3-A A2A|d2dd d d3|d4z2A2|A3A A A3|
A3A A2A2|BBBB B B2B|B4z3B|c2cc-cccc|cA3A3A|d2d2d3d|
d4z2AA|AA A2-A2A2|A2A2A3A|B2B2B2BB-|B4z2B2|
c c3c2cc-|c2AA- AAAA|d3d d2dd-|d6z2|A4z2AA|
A A2A A2z2|B4z2BB|B2BB B2z2|c4z2c2|c2c2c2z2|
d4z4|dddd d2z2|A4z4|A A2A A2z2|B4z2BB|B3B B4|
d d2d- d2d2|f f2d- d4|A A2A AB c2|e d3-d2z2
w:In a lit-le coun-try school-house_ where the chil-dren used to go,There went a lit-tle red-haired_ boy by the name of Rag-time Joe.One day the tea-cher called on the class to spell a cer-tain kind of bird,The kind of bird_ it was a chick-en, and they could not spell that word.So the tea-cher called_ on Rag-time Joe to spell that word for them,_He did not hes-i-tate_ a bit,_ this is the way that he be-gan:_C that's the way to be-ginH that's the next let-ter inI that is the thirdC time to season the birdK I'm fit-ting inE get-ting near the "N"C H I_ C K E N_That is the way to spell chick-en._