having seen this thread i thought i really ought to add my own little bit to it, justin case anyone who had been reading my last few contributions got the idea that my entire life consited of school work! no, it doesnt! im from several different parts of the UK but currently based in a school in one of the most boring parts of this otherwise lovely country, too near prince charles's house for hotel prices to be resonable and too far away from a decent sized train station to be able to get away for long. however i also spend a lot of time in cambridge which is a fabulous town which i love and have lots of good friends in who i like to spend long eveings with singing, drinking and discussing life the universe and everything. i was first really introduced to folk music by these friends who i met through a reenactment society called the sealed knot. i have very fond memories of long nights gathered round a fire listening to these wonderfull songs that were so beutifully sung and seemed to bring us all together. unfortunatly this does not happen so oftern now but the sealed knot is still a large part of my life and i would recommend this as a very wothwhile hobby to anyone. look up our site if your intrested! all the school work references i seem to make are because im studying for 'a' levels at the moment and rather worried about them. i also like to write though, when i have the time and inclination. music wise im a big fairport convention fan but still prefer my songs live and from friends than from tapes really. and finally.... the weather here was wonderfull over the weekend and started sunny yesterday but all of a sudden it was cold again and i had to go and change from the lovely light summer dress i had happily (optermisticly?)put on in the morning to my usual winter weeds and overcoat. damn. today its raining but that sweet fresh spring rain that you only seem to get in may. nice, if i hadnt just remembered id left my windows open. thats enough of a life story i think to bore even the most intrested mudcatter!so long, love ivy b.