The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30431 Message #759112
Posted By: GUEST,Frogmore
03-Aug-02 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: What's the difference between calypso and reggae?
Subject: RE: What's the diff btwn calypso and reggae?
I was first attracted to this website because so many of the participants seemed to be mature and educated in "musicology." Questions like, "What is the difference between......" are silly. They waste my time. If you really don't know, you can better use your computer to answer that elementary question without invading our time. I like "Google". I will admit that qestions like this do generate some useful responses, but Curiosity alone made me read this. Nothing more to say, I'm busy with real stuff. Sorry to sound like a snob, but........................................... I'm not from Jamaica. Even my non-musician friends can detect different rhythms. I'll confine myself to commenting on more intelligent issues in the future. I'm sorry to have wasted the time of anyone who actually read this far. G'nite.