The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439   Message #75921
Posted By: hotspur
05-May-99 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
hi there. I live in Cobleskill, NY, which is a tiny place in a rural county an hour west of Albany, four hours northwest of New York City. As I get asked a lot, I will tell you right off that Cobleskill is NOT part of the Big Apple. We have more pastures than sidewalks, more cows than people, and the crime is generally of the drunken-and-disorderly variety. As you can imagine, Cobleskill is SUCH a happening place. We spend a lot of time at Wally World (Wal-Mart) for lack of anything better to do. Oh yes, and the only radio stations we can get are either fundamentalist or country. Still, I like living here. It's peaceful and if you like nature, the landscape is beautiful too.