The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50138   Message #759339
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Aug-02 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Yazoo Man of Constant Sorrow CD
Subject: RE: Man of Constant Sorrow CD
Hi, Stewie: Guess it's all a matter of taste. I LOVE the way Emry Arthur does Man of Constant Sorrow. Joan Baez did it pretty, the Soggy Bottom Boys did it with great harmonies, but Emry sounded like he WAS a man of constant sorrow. I like the way that he resolves the line back at the end of each verse. I've done it that way ever since I first heard it. Musically, maybe there's not a lot going on with Emry, but I get the feeling of the song. Them old country boys didn't fancy-up songs. Suits me Jez fine. :-)

Thanks for this thread... good songs on the CD!
