Usefull reminders to check the condition of strings before buying! I once made the error of buying in bulk only later finding the useby date had long elapsed.Any recommendations for Light Gauge Strings would be appreciated since it is a few years since I last bought strings and have no idea which to try.
The instrument settling down now to my way of playing is beginning to bounce real good. I found myself honking out some old Leadbelly favorites not played in 20 years! This box loves to sing!
Attempting some fiddle tune standards I used ease through on almost anything - including one pig made by Yamaha, on loan - I find that the DM is bigger pushing the forarm out of it's normal attitude, so missing and plain getting lost is a problem. I suppose one gets used to that one. I have slowed down so I can adjust to the new position. For a comparison it feels like Bowing a fiddle from behind another person - if that makes any sense.
The other makers seem to sell the player an easy play but Martin knows best and makes one play properly?
My fingers are adopting now to playing again after several years rest. I am assured the Shop did set up, so my fingers are the real source of that problem.