The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50060   Message #759407
Posted By: Lynn
03-Aug-02 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: What is the saddest song?
Subject: RE: What is the saddest song?
White Squall ranks right up there (down there???), as does Bogle's Green Fields of France (No Man's Land; William McBride), and of a similar ilk, Christmas in the Trenches (John McCutheon). And Mary Black does a song...I don't know the title...of a woman who is forced to marry for station rather than love, and her love is forced to go to sea or something. She dies (The day that M--- married was the day that M--- died). He returns (her real love) just in time for the funeral. Help me with that please!

I'm in agreement with Mary Ellen Carter and Give Yourself to Love as most uplifting. Some great old gospel tunes fit into that category too, like "Take your burden to the Lord" - learned from the singing of Jean Redpath on PHC nearly two decades ago.