The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50168   Message #760038
Posted By: IvanB
05-Aug-02 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: Are folk singers allowed to improve?
Subject: RE: Are folk singers allowed to improve?
Frankly, I think if a club is to survive it must encourage members to evolve in their playing. Stagnation is a killer for any community, no matter what type it may be.

As for Paltalk, the accepted rule for the music rooms seems to be "thou shalt not criticize." I agree with Dave that the compliments sometimes go overboard for mediocre singers and/or instrumentalists, but I've heard a number of them that were just starting out (and I know this because they've mentioned it in chat, not just from the quality of their performances) who've been encouraged to continue and improve partly by the warm acceptance they feel on Paltalk.

Paltalk users, as a group, probably need to be a bit more discriminating in choosing their icons, but I've certainly been enriched by many of the performers I've heard there, and I've also been encouraged to improve my delivery so I can do the best job possible when I perform.