The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50060 Message #760337
Posted By: Joe_F
05-Aug-02 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: What is the saddest song?
Subject: ADD: I Wish You Were Here (Malvina Reynolds)
I WISH YOU WERE HERE (Malvina Reynolds)
I wish you were here to be underfoot, I wish you were here to get in my way, To call me from work, to call me to play -- I wish you were here again.
Oh, what did I do that had to be done, And what did I read that had to be read, When I could have turned to watch you instead? I wish you were here again.
The monuments rise, the monuments fall, The papers are signed and turn into chaff, But I can recall the sound of your laugh, I wish you were here again.