The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50209   Message #760544
Posted By: alanabit
06-Aug-02 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thoughts on agents and small record comp
Subject: Thoughts on agents and small record comp
I have been thinking about trying to get in touch with some new agents. I am out of touch with the ones I used to work for and I do not wish to do beer tents and birthday parties in any event. The fact is that I know very well that there are very few gigs available which I would really enjoy and that the agents working in this field already have a hard enough time placing the people they already have. I am well aware that most approaches from strangers are unwelcome as most agents and record companies simply do not have the time to listen to unsolicited material. In one case, I heard of a record company which had a skip into which all unsolicited material was automatically thrown. Is it actually plain stupid or just downright bad manners to approach an agent whom you do not know?