The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50212   Message #760562
Posted By: GUEST,Rita McGuire
06-Aug-02 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: Question to fiddle players
Subject: Question to fiddle players
Hey, my boy's playing bluegrass fiddle (he's 10). It costs me a lot of money for the lessons and he looks forward to playing along with his teacher. He's enthusiastic about Bluegrass. But, I can't get him to practice enough. I'm wondering if he's lacking in the passion he needs to be a good player and if I should make him quit. The only times he voluntarily picks up his fiddle is if he's out making a quick buck busking. Please tell me what you think - I can't afford to be throwing my money away for nothing, but at the same time, I know he enjoys playing - he's just too busy out playing or trying to make money to practice a lot. Saying that, he never complains when we ask him to practice - in fact, he likes to have an audience. But how much does he have to do before it is worth his while. Is it normal for a kid to have to be asked to practice, or should he be wanting to do it himself? I'm not musical at all and have no idea in what to do. Hope this question isn't a stupid one!!!!

Thanks, Rita.