The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50209   Message #760631
Posted By: alanabit
06-Aug-02 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thoughts on agents and small record comp
Subject: RE: BS: Thoughts on agents and small record comp
That's the problem I have with the sales mentality really. I recall what was probably the worst job I ever did - a long story - but essentially it was as a favour for a friend. It involved telephoning people who had no intention of buying trade fair space - and would have known perfectly well where to find it anyway had they wanted it. Surprisingly, most of the overworked staff who took our pestering phone calls were remarkably polite. I found the whole business very distasteful because I knew I was wasting their time. I suppose what my question amounts to is, "How much are you entitled to waste other people's time when you know that rejection is near certain?" It certainly goes against every code of good manners I've ever been taught, but like you maryff, I don't know what the alternative is!