The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50060 Message #760936
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
06-Aug-02 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: What is the saddest song?
Subject: RE: What is the saddest song?
When I ran a folk show on my local radio I received the McColl/Seeger album that carried his song 'The Joy of Living'. Listening to it as it went on air I realised that Ewan, knowing how ill he was, was saying goodbye. Not just to his family, but to all of us. Nevertheless his words also urged us to taste the joy of living. When that track ended I was too choked up to announce the next one. In addition I find Ewan's 'My Old Man' very moving because the story of his father, told in the song, so closely mirrors my own father whom I still miss twenty years after his death. I love these two songs even though I can't listen to them without tears. Burl.