The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50233   Message #761002
Posted By: SINSULL
06-Aug-02 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: Folklore & Music:Tall Ships Seattle
Subject: RE: BS: Tall Ships Seattle
They are a magnificent sight, like something out of another era. In '76, I packed my car full of kids and crossed the Verrazzano(sp.?) Bridge so that they could see the parade of ships. Impossible crowds so...on the lower level of the bridge, I pulled over and carefully supervised my little troup as we watched the ships pass under and waved to the sailors below. In no time at all, we were joined by several hundred other drivers with passengers. Party time until a single police officer came across the bridge on a motorcycle and announced "You are all under arrest". The kids were frightened at first. They didn't see the humor in a single officer arresting a few hundred people. But they had a wonderful time telling Mom and Dad how "Aunt Mary" got them all arrested.

Don't miss it.