The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21191   Message #761233
Posted By: GUEST,Dan in Dart....
07-Aug-02 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: If I Was a Blackbird
Subject: RE: Req: If I Were a Blackbird I'd Whistle & Sing
Hello Again George,

That sounds wonderful. I've just been by the Nova Scotia Archives web site - - but it didn't look all that promising at the moment. Lots of policies and such online but not much of what I would really want to know about. (Perhaps I just didn't stay long enough nor look hard enough?!)

George, perhaps you and the Helen Creighton Society should look into putting some other items of Helen's collection on cd instead of just the sea songs and shanties? And speaking of that cd, will it be released soon??

All the best, Dan