The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49050   Message #761656
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
07-Aug-02 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: A Busker's Tale
Subject: RE: A Busker's Tale
Imagine this scenario: Fifty or so entertainers are put into a pot (Buskerfest '02), stir vigorously ( by having everyone working for "traditional busker's pay"), and turn up the heat ( by way of all of the mistakes, snafu's, insanities, and confusions which happen any time that your diong any kind of festival in a given location for the first time). What do you think will happen?

In the case of Buskerfest '02, we made one heck of a good soup. Everyone showed up believing that such an event could work in Chicago and set thier minds to the task making it happen. I have rarely been treated to the level of proffessionalism and spirit of cooperation which dominated the fest.

Except for the payment part (which will be changed by next year), this is why we take our talents to the streets or clubs or fests or whatever -- for that shared positive experience. Even on the pay issue BTW evryone, at least, broke even. Some even made a small profit. I was in the former group, but I wouldn't trade that weekend for the world.