The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50283   Message #761839
Posted By: GUEST,gelfling
08-Aug-02 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: Help: harp for beginners
Subject: Help: harp for beginners
i do hope some of you wonderful people out there can help me.
A few weeks ago i sort of stumbled into buying a second-hand harp (these things happen) :)
Its a clarsach, 30 strings i think

Now i'd love to learn to play, but im not really sure where to start
i am musically literate - I have been playing the guitar and singing for years -
but the harp is a whole new adventure....

can anyone recommend any good tutorial books, preferably not too expensive
or books of simple music?
i would like to learn to play simple and pretty celtic style pieces,
and also accompany my ballad singing...
i also need to buy a couple of strings, but no-where seems to stock them

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks