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Thread #50148   Message #762022
Posted By: DougR
08-Aug-02 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: US foreign policy - an example to us all
Subject: RE: BS: US foreign policy - an example to us all
Nicole: The resolutions I referred to are listed in a resolution by the U. N. Security Council adopted at its 3924th meeting, on 9 September 1998. The document can be found at Sorry I can't do blue clickies.

Fionn: I base my opinions on information received from major news sources. Fox News Network, CNN, you name it. I believe these sources, though not perfect, are more reliable than sources that heavily weigh the news either to the left or the right. GUEST is fond of quoting the GUARDIAN. That publication could hardly be described as a bastion of conservatism. The Washington Post and the New York Times are viewed by conservatives the same way. We are influenced by what we read and what we hear. Despite GUEST'S snide remarks to the contrary, I do listen and read both sides.

I have not heard of any liberals challenging the veracity of NPR and Public Television. Therefore, in order to reply to your request, Fionn, I went to that source to see if I could find information to support my views.

As all of us know, the arms inspection problem has been with us since about 1996 so it is not a new one. Iraq never welcomed U. N. Inspectors as they agreed to do, and toward the end by all reports thwarted the efforts of the inspection team at every turn. An interesting interview with Richard Brooks, Chief of the U.N. SpecialCommission to Iraq by Elizabeth Farnsworth on the Jim Lehrer can be found in the News Hour archives at:

At that same site you might want to read the Secretary of Defense Cohen's interview by Jim Lherer. The U. S. has been considering military action against Iraq since 1997 as a possible solution to ensure that Saddam does not have weapons of mass destruction.
