The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49050   Message #762284
Posted By: Amos
08-Aug-02 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: A Busker's Tale
Subject: RE: A Busker's Tale
About 18 years ago the worst storm in recent history started to build up while a mate and I were out scouting for sea urchin beds, in a little dive-boat off the coast here in Southern California. We got blown into Avalon and tied up snug; it was a helluva blow and it went on for several days. Several boats were blown right off their moorings.

Anyway, we were out of dough and kinda short on food by the time it was over. So for the last couple of days we just turned out ashore with a six-string and a blues harp and played for the local breakfast cafe, which earned us enough to eat. Not our usual approach to breadwinning, but when you're out of luck ya gotta make do somehow. It kept us together until the weather blew over and we could skedaddle for home!