The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50303   Message #762431
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Aug-02 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: PBS Show on Argentina - recommendation
Subject: RE: PBS Show on Argentina - recommendation
Oh, gargly-argly...put a sock in it.

Andres, thank you for the further explanations. I forgot to mention they also followed a woman who went from ATM to ATM trying to get funds from her various accounts. She said the more accounts you had, the more you could possibly get, by transferring from one to another and by going to the ATMs at different times of the day. She finally took the government to court, sued for her family's money, over $180,000 (US) which had been reduced to about $5,000 (US). She was awarded about 60% of it by the court, but then the President of the country said that court orders should not be executed!

I was wondering what you thought of the Barter CLub. The way they presented it made it look as though it was quite popular and a sort of grassroots movement.

Some of the scenes they showed of the massive protests, some of which turned violent, made me very glad that you have continued to be safe.

I hope you are right about America. Right now, I think the people here are so apathetic and blindly stupid about what Bush and Co. have been doing, I don't have much faith in them taking charge and not allowing such shenanigans. So many have already been robbed by Enron, etc.; Bush speaks of war as a given, and still the average person does nothing.

Thanks, Andres,
