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Thread #50266   Message #762677
Posted By: Mark Clark
09-Aug-02 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Little Good News
Subject: RE: BS: A Little Good News
Many people, perhaps you, will believe any fallacious crap that's thrown at them if they see and hear it day after day after day. Depending on the source, the U.S. taxpayers were bilked out of forty to seventy million dollors in the most thorough investigation any president, perhaps any person, has ever endured. What did they find? Zip, nada, and zilch. It was all just a bunch of rich guys pissed off because Bill whipped their favorite inside trader and wasn't humble about it.

As far as I can tell, the Clintons are at least as moral and upstanding as any president and first lady we've had with the possible exception of Jimmie Carter and Abraham Lincoln. I don't mean this as an endorsement of President Clinton's policies, it's just the way things are.

I don't care what a president chooses to do with his johnson or other naughty bits together with willing—dare I say anxious—participants and getting a blow job in one's private office is probably standard practice in most of the world's powerful companies as well as countries. I have every confidence that any deeds that merely offend people's religious sensibilities will be properly dealt with by our Creator at the proper time. They aren't things that need worry us here.

Real crimes of pubic er... public office are those involving the betrayal of an office holder's consituents. If you sell the influence of your office, that's criminal. (e.g., back room energy deals) If you bargain away the rights and freedoms of the people you represent to line the pockets of your business cronies, that's criminal. If you detain innocent people without benefit of charges or trials just based on their color or national origin, that's criminal.

I remember when President Reagan assumed office he started referring to the USSR as the “evil empire.” At the time, the US and the USSR enjoyed good relations with trade and cultural exchanges... I thought to myself, &ldqluo;No one is going to buy this load of manure. Surely he'll be laughed out of office.” Boy was I wrong. The press picked it up and reported the phrase every time he said it. Before long, people became accustomed to the idea and began accepting it as fact. Again, I say this not to pass judgement on President Reagan's policies but to show how easily U.S. public opinion is shifted. We are a nation of sheep, seemingly without any national direction or memory.

The U.S. currently has a president who's brother was a key figure in bilking millions of U.S. citizens out of their savings through savings and loan scams. Another brother was instrumental in controling election results and limiting the voting rights of thousands of his constituents. His vice president was a key figure in a company, Haliburton, with a long history of political manipulation both in Texas and around the world. Coincidentally a major Haliburton subsidiary, Brown & Root, was a big investor in Lyndon Johnson's career and was rewarded with huge military contracts in Viet Nam and other locations. These “great pirates” don't care which party they buy, as long as the profits keep roling in.

In my opinion, taking money from a publisher for a book is a far cleaner and more noble way of earning a living than taking the livlihoods from the rest of us and giving the money to business cronies.

“But that's just my opinion... I may be wrong.”

      - Mark