The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50295   Message #762692
Posted By: EBarnacle1
09-Aug-02 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: How organised is your home library?
Subject: RE: BS: How organised is your home library?
MMario, try the Vatican Library. It includes pretty much all of the LOC and a lot of 'disappeared' materials as well.

I am considering moving so that I can have more wall space for my books and paintings. My current categories include: Maritime general reference, maritime history, maritime fiction, music, sea music, musical history, music magazines, religion and philosophy, classics, books that should be classics, science fiction [My collection of Analog/Astounding used to go back to the '50's], fantasy, mystery, John D. MacDonald, labor law and 'other.' The floor is almost full because there is a pleasand perversion in some areas of Brooklyn--when people are done with a book, they put it and its kin on the stoop so others can pick through them. Books don't get shelved until I read them and decide whether or not to keep them. I am so far behind I may never die.

Some stuff is still not unpacked from my last move, 6 years ago.