The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42115   Message #762699
Posted By: Deda
09-Aug-02 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: How's your weather ?
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
Colorado is DRY, DRY, DRY. We've had a little more rain and a couple of thunderstorms in the last few weeks, which has been great, and the fires are pretty much out -- but the drought is still very bad. For those of you who get tired of looking at rain, Colorado has an average of 300 days of bright sunshine a year. Generally, it's a fabulous climate. But we're suffering this year, after four years of below-average snowpack, so all our reservoirs are low anyway. Crops are dead or dying, watering is restricted all over the eastern half of the state, and probably the west too. There's nothing I would love more than the sound and sight and feel of a good, hours-long, hammering rain.