The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50303   Message #762703
Posted By: hesperis
09-Aug-02 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: PBS Show on Argentina - recommendation
Subject: RE: PBS Show on Argentina - recommendation
The barter clubs are a very positive sign. Hopefully the people will retain that power to make their own economies, and not let the government get into it, like here in Canada and in the US where the governments TAX barter!

(Like, tell me again how a non-money economy can be taxed in money? Does the government have any use for wool, or bread, or apples? Sheesh...)

Honestly, barter is the only thing in Argentina right now that gives me hope. It's like there's a new order coming through the ashes and remnants of the old construction. And barter is much more sustainable and real than money can ever be, save back in the days when money was actually the value of gold and silver. Money isn't tied to anything real anymore, so it isn't real anymore. Then we wonder why people starve... even in so-called "affluent" countries.