The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42115   Message #762908
Posted By: bernil
10-Aug-02 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: How's your weather ?
Subject: RE: BS: How's your weather ?
Things ain't normal here in the middle of Sweden and I ain't normal either... We've had warm weather all summer except from a few days with the more common cold winds from the fjelds. As for me I don't like it and don't function when it's warm so I've had problems... But I guess most people have been very happy! When I say (too) warm I mean everything over 70 degrees! And someone here talked about 100 degrees!

When I say I have problems I have to admit they are not as big now as they've been as I've bought a car with AC - it has changed my life a lot and I'm also glad my flat is quite cold!

Berit in Sweden