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Thread #50266   Message #763074
Posted By: The Pooka
10-Aug-02 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Little Good News
Subject: RE: BS: A Little Good News
Truer Sound, "I've been a member of this 'Music Forum' for one day and so far all I've discussed is Politics." By George, I think he's got it! Newbie no more, yer a
True(r) 'Catter now. Very Sound. :)

I like the thought, above, that maybe we should beware Paragons of Virtue in powerful offices. (Also Parabolae, Paragliders, Paregoric, Aragorn, Legolas, and Buddy-Can-You-Spare-a-Paradigms; but I digress.) The Paragon model relates to the Nader Syndrome, also above. Tell ole Bill (when he comes home, this mornin')(hey, *there's* music) that I'd druther have him, rascally roving rambler-and-a-gambler that he is, in Warshington Dee See, than some pious ascetic celibate Papish Archbishop. Nowait, bad example. Well you know what I mean. "Nobody EVER expects the Spanish Inquisition."

I'll bet John Ashcroft is a Paragon of Virtue, personally. Hell, when he lost an election to a dead man he gracefully accepted the humiliating results. Then he sacrified even further for his country by accepting the Attorney Generalship. (Generalhood? Generality?) Certainly he wants us all to behave like ladies and gentleman. And he'll see to it that we do too, or else. (Oh, hi there John. Good Forum, ain't it? Just harmless music. Naah we're all good Amurricans here. Especially the Brits.) "Oh Lord, teach us to seek thy Truth, and preserve us from those who are certain they have already found it."

Congressman Christopher Shays, R-CT, is an honest man. Also our saintly Senator Joe Lieberman, D-CT, used to be; but lately, I dunno...doing a bit of backing-and-filling these days...

BTW re the Secret Service being the Zipper Guard (also also above above)- I read somewhere that in Camelot those federal-agent fellers ("Mulder, it's me") had to guard the closed doors of the White House basement swimming pool when JFK was in there doing, uh, laps with Frick and/or Frack. For his bad back, y'know. God do I hate petty gossip. It's so immoral.

Inquisitorially yours,