The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50266   Message #763084
Posted By: The Pooka
10-Aug-02 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Little Good News
Subject: RE: BS: A Little Good News
And speaking of Clintons, Kennedys, morality & money [Pooka stream-of-unconsciousness download here, after longtime awa']: I see by the papers that those two Paradigmatic Aragorns of Virtue, the junior Senator from New York and the senior Senator from Massachusetts, are engaging in a "friendly competition" over whether Nyoo Yawk City or Baahhston shall host the 2004 Dimmycratic National Convention---and thus, subliminally, over who is really the Democratic First Family: the Rodhamclintonian Dynamic Duo, or the Clan Kennedy of the Hyannisport Hielands, the Maryland Midlands, and the Rhode Island Lowlands Low.

Thing is, NYC offers more moo-lah. "Gee THAT'S a big surprise!" But the Cradle of Liberty offers a precious national treasure: Massa Chusetts, Himself: Uncle Teddy in (maybe) his Last Hurrah. The Blessings of Honey Fitz and Ambassador Joe, and Hizzoner Mayor James Michael Curley, would surely be upon the gathering. // But after his magnificent 1980 convention oration at the graveside of his own presidential candidacy, what could Senator Ted do for an encore? / Arrah he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.

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