The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10739   Message #76337
Posted By: Wolfgang
07-May-99 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: More Music Less BS!
Subject: RE: More Music Less BS!
Any chance of more threads about songs was a thread a while ago with a similar complaint but with less responses perhaps due to the moderate wording of the complaint. I bet you that GASP is a regular (as katlaughing has first presumed) for why should any casual visitor complain. And I bet you (s)he is a person I and many others would hate to loose as a contributor and friend. So let us take the wording of this thread as an indicator of the amount of anger and not as a hint that we are not supposed to take the complaint serious (I know, many of you have).
I too think that the balance between music and chat has changed in the last couple of months. I wouldn't love Mudcat as much as I do without the occasional chat, the occasional mocking or ironic remark, sure not without thread about political/social background to the music. But chiefly I come here for the music, the songs, the history of songs, information about songwriters, about recordings and all that. I'd love to see relatively more threads of the (unsurpassed) Spancil Hill type thread combining music, lyrics, background information and the occasional chatty remark. My problem is similar to John is Brisbane. I cannot read anymore all threads or posts but have increasing difficulties sorting out what to read and what not. I nearly missed (and perhaps have already but never would know) two or three songs I had looking for for a long time since they were buried amidst a thread I usually do not open.
GASP wants to stay here, why else should (s)he complain for (s)he surely does know how to hit an EXIT button and needs not to be taught that. So please accept that for a growing minority (?) not the chat as such but its increasing rate is a growing concern. Mudcat cannot afford to willingly accept loosing contributors mainly or even solely interested in music.
