The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50407   Message #764659
Posted By: Amos
13-Aug-02 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Products that Never Caught On
Subject: RE: BS: Products that Never Caught On
It just boggles my mind, sometimes, to think of the lives, the hours of mental work, that goes into conceiving of, designing, planning, prototyping, refining, manufacturing, distributing, selling, and advertising some of the absolute shlock crap that is to be found in the market place. Ceramic and plastic models of objects that never existed--molded cherubs with painted cheeks--plastic doodads which need batteries and last an average of 1.33 days---plaster painted replicas of spoons or puppies or whathaveyou---there is so much pure crap out there, and at such a cost of sweat and thought!! And these guys (if guys they are) go home at the end of the day satisfied that they have "earned" their pay. Just mind-boggling!