The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50407   Message #764689
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Aug-02 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Products that Never Caught On
Subject: RE: BS: Products that Never Caught On
Speaking of which, Amos...

I walked into Zellers (Canada's version of K-Mart) the other day, and saw a 1/6 scale action figure of....


I kid you not. Gerry Garcia, complete with his guitar, his faded jeans, his beard, his belly, etc. Not only that, the damn thing really looks astoundinly like old Gerry in his elder days, although I think they trimmed a little weight off him. He's got a fairly big gut, but I believe it was bigger in real life.

This is bizarre. He's in there among figures of Spiderman, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jar Jar Binks, hockey players, weird monsters from cartoon shows, and so on. He's the only musician on the shelf.

How could this happen? And why? The mind boggles.

He looks so cool, I think I might just buy one. :-)

You can, by the way, get 1/6 scale figures of the guys in Spinal Tap (David, Nigel, and Derek), but only by ordering on the Net. They also look surprisingly accurate. Derek comes with a little foil-wrapped cucumber to stick in his pants, just like in the movie.

- LH