The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50441   Message #764901
Posted By: truer sound
13-Aug-02 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: Records You've (Mistakenly) Written Off
Subject: Records You've (Mistakenly) Written Off
I wonder if anyone else has written off an album before really giving it a listen, and then, later, came to love the album.

This thought comes from a day of really enjoying Nickel Creek's self-titled album, one I had refused to give my time for a long time. I had seen the band well before they made this record, and they'd knocked my socks off. Chris Thile was only 17 when I saw them and his mastery of the mandolin was truly astounding. The flavor of the band then was very traditional, almost gospel.

Last year sometime I saw the band on Country Music Television. Actually, my sister saw them and called to me to ask if I knew who they were. I almost got sick on the floor to see such talent on CMT, a forum that I despise. And the stuff they were playing was not a step up for them in my (wrong as it turns out) opinion.

This weekend she burnt a copy of the cd and asked me to at least try it.

After I got over how slick the production is, the band is incredible. The instrumental work is really unmatched by most anyone, and the vocals harmonies are not without soul, as I had pegged them to be. I've even caught myself recommending the album.

My mistake. Anyone else?