The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10501   Message #76500
Posted By: katlaughing
07-May-99 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Post-Colorado Frenzy (No Joke)
Subject: RE: Post-Colorado Frenzy (No Joke)
Oh, really I am NOT a hothead, even though red on the head! BUT the joke is on me; this SHOULD have read this way:

There were many people who lived there and had their entire back windows covered with flags, stickers and signs, many of which could NOT be seen through at all. I had deliberately put mine down low on the left so that it would NOT intefere with my vision.

And, like any good Kat, even if my fur does get rubbed the wrong way, I just smooth it down with a quick lick!

:^) (side profile, hehehe)
