The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10773   Message #76505
Posted By: Chet W.
07-May-99 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Post-Colorado Frenzy II
Subject: Post-Colorado Frenzy II
Leprechaun, As a teacher in the Juvenile Justice system here, I meet and work with a lot of law-enforcement people, and I do generally sympathize with your feelings and your reaction to some things that were said BUT I think everybody, including you, will admit that there are in fact quite a few "bad apples" that make the big majority of honest decent cops look bad to the public. I also believe that the "code" of never calling down a fellow police officer, even a very bad one, does exist; I've seen it in action. Since you are yourself an experienced police officer, and obviously a thoughtful and decent one, you must have seen or heard about a fellow officer at some time in your career that went too far, maybe way too far. Did you or any of your colleagues do anything about it? Was there a report made, or even a tip to an anonymous hot line? I'm not saying you haven't, but I'd really like to know.

Friends can disagree, Chet W.