The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2032   Message #7651
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jun-97 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: favorite folk festivals which I've attended
Subject: RE: favorite folk festivils which I've attended
I did this with the only 'html' code I know...and I don't really 'know' that! In a file in my Windows 'cardfile' program, I have this bit of code I copy and paste into this window:
first I paste it so it looks like this
(a href="http://xxx.yyy.zzz")Sightname(/a)
except that the ( ) are really < > and thre are no " " in it..making it look like this
Sitename (move your mouse over the blue text without clicking and see if this shows at the bottom of the screen)
then I get the actual address I want and backspace over the "http://xxx.yyy.zzz" part so that it looks like this (a href=)Sitename(/a) --still with <> instead of ( ).Then I put my cursor between the = and the > and paste in the address.
The last step is to replace the word 'sitename' with some word or phrase I want to to appear in blue for you to click on(no real limit here).....mind you, you CAN type the thing out in one step, if you can keep it all in your head...I just dont trust my typing.

There are various ways to do the cutting and pasting both the address and the code here...then 'cutting' the address back out and re-pasting it when you are sure you have the code right....whatever works for you...when you are done it looks something like this....(a href= )Australian songs(/a)...or, with the ( ) replaced by <>, like this Australian songs

This can look intimidating, but after a couple times, you may have a more elegant way than I do...

Boy I hope I got all that right...I guess I'll see after I push the button!!

By the way...the xxx.yyy.zzz and the word sitename are just placeholders so I can visualize the finished can use just (a href=)(/a) with the ( ) replaced by <>if you can keep it clear in your head...

Have fun!