The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10739   Message #76542
Posted By: bbc
07-May-99 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: More Music Less BS!
Subject: RE: More Music Less BS!
I've got to stop visiting Mudcat on my lunch hour. First, I heard about catspaw being in the hospital. Then, today, I read the "BS" thread. Both made me cry. As one who has started a few of the recent non-musical threads, I felt sensitive to the idea that I may have offended Mudcat members. My 1st reaction was that I would just stop posting altogether, at least for a time. Although I only count approximately 4 1/2 who spoke against BS (as opposed to approximately 40 in favor), it takes some bravery to voice the minority view. I am not a musician, at least not an instrumental/performing one. Perhaps, that's why the sense of community means more to me than to others. During the work week, I don't have time for friends in the flesh (I barely have time for my family!), but I take the time to visit Mudcat 1-3 times a day & I have come to care deeply for many of you. The idea that I should give up my cyber-community hurt me almost as much as April 1st did. On the other hand, I respect Wolfgang & gargoyle & I wonder how many others share their views. Perhaps, if someone feels bold enough to post yet one more non-musical thread, it would be worthwhile to take an anonymous poll--those who favor all-music vs. those who favor/can tolerate mixed threads. For the record, I liked the thoughts that kat, Banjer, & Big Mick expressed, as well as many others. I find a place for both forms of expression & pick & choose as I see fit.

best to you all,
